CIMERWA PLC, Rwanda’s only integrated cement manufacturer listed its shares on the Rwanda Stock Exchange on 03rd August 2020.
With the global reality of COVID-19, we had to ensure our communication complied with the current state of affairs in Rwanda and beyond. Being able to launch a campaign of this magnitude during this period became our biggest hurdle – however, we triumphed and rose to the occasion to a successful listing on the stock exchange.
We developed all content for the campaign i.e. press releases, talking points for key spokespersons, FAQs, factsheets, articles/blogs, investor briefs, campaign material – social media, affiliate website banners etc., in addition we also managed the bell ringing event at the Radisson end to end from the event concept, plan and implementation.
We also managed the entire campaign roll out across multiple channels i.e. social media and media relations management with leading media outlets i.e.Igihe, The New Times, Kigali Today, Taarifa and RBA that brought the much needed attention to the listing.
We were tasked to manage and oversee the communication and amplification of the listing of CIMERWA PPC.