Our contribution to all this as an agency
Our contribution to all this as the agency was the following:
We were tasked to work on the development of a new brand identity for the commercial brand which was non-existent at the time the plant broke ground. We came up with the brand’s commercial product name – Nootri and this name was applied across the different variants i.e. NootriMama for pregnant & breastfeeding moms, NootriToto for children over the age of 6 months to 2 years, NootriFamily for the whole family and NootriQwik, the instant variant of the same that gets ready in 2 mins.
We developed the identity and the subsequent campaigns that helped the brand to become Rwanda’s number one porridge brand. This success was extended to the region with Nootri launching in Uganda and Kenya next. These markets have become mainstays for the brand today.
For a period of 5 years, we managed their brand, communication, and digital marketing engagement across different markets i.e. Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania. This also included product pack designs and all designs related to through-the-line brand activities across these markets